Margot Barnes

1940 - 2012

Margot Barnes


I first met Margot in the offices of John Burrows when I was working as an electrician; this must be around 1968.
Sometime later my wife Linda met her and her husband, Gordon when she worked at the Club.  Soon after in 1977 I joined the Club and after a couple of years decided to offer myself for Committee.
After many years on the Committee, I got to know Margot far more and we became good friends and colleagues.  I grew to appreciate all the work she did and understood how she loved the Club. 
Like the Club, Margot went through many ups and downs, especially the loss of her husband, Gordon.
Even when I retired from the Committee we still kept in contact and she eventually persuaded me to get back on the Committee.
We had many good times and I feel she should be remembered by the Club for all her hard work and dedication over the years.

Margot receiving the Medal of Honour My fondest memory was when, as Chairman,  I presented her with a medal of honour on behalf of the Club for all her hard work over the years.
For those close to Margot, she will be honoured and remembered as a very fine lady who gave most of her life to the Club and for the benefit of its members.

Geoff Mullins